PHOTOGRAPHY IN AMERICA - From 1841 to today, a startling record of photography - and of the nation - in pictures chosen from the great collections for the Whitney Museum of American Art
PHOTOGRAPHY IN AMERICA - From 1841 to today, a startling record of photography - and of the nation - in pictures chosen from the great collections for the Whitney Museum of American Art
PHOTOGRAPHY IN AMERICA - From 1841 to today, a startling record of photography - and of the nation - in pictures chosen from the great collections for the Whitney Museum of American Art
PHOTOGRAPHY IN AMERICA - From 1841 to today, a startling record of photography - and of the nation - in pictures chosen from the great collections for the Whitney Museum of American Art

PHOTOGRAPHY IN AMERICA - From 1841 to today, a startling record of photography - and of the nation - in pictures chosen from the great collections for the Whitney Museum of American Art

通常価格 ¥3,600 ¥0 単価 あたり


著者 : Edited by Robert Doty, Introduction by Minor White

発行 : Random House (New York), Thames and Hudson (London)

サイズ : 300mm×230mm

ページ数 : 255p

言語 : English

発行年 : 1974年

コンディション : C



アメリカの写真史を1841年から現代までを網羅的に紹介する一冊であり、ホイットニー美術館(Whitney Museum of American Art)で1974年11月から1975年7月まで開催された展覧会に伴って出版されました。アメリカの写真の発展とその文化的な背景について掘り下げます。

